Saturday, July 09, 2005

Taking On Water

So after all the rambling about the yellow light, I came face to face with one today.... and stopped. My wife was impressed. That's kind of sad. I don't know if she was impressed with my resolve or that I kept my word. I hope it was the first.

I helped with the move again today... This time my son went too. That was cool. I didn't make my 13 year old son go with me. I just mentioned that a family needed some help and he volunteered to go. And yet, when we ask him to take out the trash...

Anyway, what a great kid.

I drank a lot of water today, and some soda. I probably have drunk more water in the last two days than in the last two weeks, because I have been working hard out in the sun.

That makes sense. I can't imagine an athlete reaching for a Big Gulp full of Dr. Pepper during the big game. The harder the body works the more important something like water, gatorade, etc. becomes. Soda seems more popular during leisure times.

Ready for the super spiritual connection? Warning, this is deep water. Just kidding. Times have been tough lately and I have found myself reading the Bible more. I'm not spending so much time with the comic books, art or writing magazines. I know in this time that I need something more sustaining. I need water, fresh and cool. Maybe it's the fire of God, maybe it's the heat of the night. It may just be summertime and that's the way it is. Who knows? Either way, I'm thirsty.

Gotta go to bed...

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