Monday, July 11, 2005

Counting The Cost... (a.k.a Doing the Scramble)

Some of you know what I mean...

Look at the checkbook, notice a missing number. Go to your balance sheet, and its not there either. Look at the online banking, and see it sitting in the pending column... the invisible charge. The rather large amount that somehow, never made it to the balance sheet or the check register. So you spent money thinking you had money and now this invisible monster that's come out of nowhere is about to teach you a lesson in subtraction. Nothing minus something equals negative something.

You can't give a little in faith hoping for a hundredfold blessing... because nothing times 100 equals zero. So what do you do?

You do the scramble.

A lot of prayer mixed with a lot of refiguring mixed with an occasional imitation of Wimpy from the old Popeye cartoons. " I will gladly pay you Tuesday..."

How did I get here again? The fine art of busyness. In fact, busyness is bad for business. It makes you inattentive. Double checking the books on Thursday would have made for a happier Monday. Of course, I don't worry too much. If it all comes down, then I have to learn my lesson and walk on. If I can't figure this out, I'll be ok. I don't know why, specifically, I say that. I guess I'm the eternal optimist, or drowning in denial. Either way, the scramble is on. I'll let you know how it turns out tomorrow.

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