Friday, December 23, 2005

Tis The Season To Be Profiling...

He stood on my right. She stood on my left. And I stood in the middle... which you probably figured out. As we walked into the Pawn Shop, She split to the other side of the store, he went right to the counter, and I glided on over to the guitars. Picture it, three people came into the store, two people already there. And who do you think the salesman chose follow? Me, the only black guy in the store. There were guys there who looked like they were ready to steal something. Shifty eyes, watching every move the salesman made, homeless, raddy clothes, etc. But he followed me.

I know the drill. I worked retail at a music store. If you think that someone is there to steal something, you go and stand by them to intimidate them. It's effective when done properly and annoying when done badly. This guy was very very very very bad at it.

So I decided to have some fun.

I began walking all over the store, very quickly. I picked up things and went to stand by other people and asked them questions. They looked at me funny because there was a salesman right next to me. But I was ignoring him. So I went up to the counter and asked the lady there. Then I began walking in a figure eight up and down a couple of aisles. This guy tried to keep up with me! I then went and sat on the floor. He stood next to me, looking rather tired. So I stood up, leaned over to him and said, "are your tired of following me yet? I can do this all day you know. And we could both use the exercise" He looked embarrased and upset. I smiled and said. "I used to have to do this too. But while you were following me around because I was black, that white guy over there looks like he might have pocketed something." He looked and me and hurried over to stand by the white guy... but continued to stare at me."

So with a spring in my step and a big huge smile on my face, I began to walk towards the door.

But before I made it all the way out of sight, I said loudly, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

I figured that I may as well give them a different reason to be upset.


Rob said...


Next time I'll go with you. Just before we walk in, give me your glasses then they will get confused as to who they should follow. (You know, we always tell them "Brad is the one with glasses on").

Sorry this happened. I would proudly go into any store with you. I don't know if I'd sit next to you on the floor, but I'd go in with you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Brad the next time you go let me know and I will wear all my black cowboy clothes. I will even sit on the floor and ask them for a hot chocolate. Love ya, stan