Tuesday, January 03, 2006

We're Off...

And we're off! - No smart comments!

The new year is here. My first resolution this year was going to be not to make a resolution this year, but, I blew it. It's human nature I guess.

I sit here bouncing up and down with excitement! My voice has returned from it's long haitus in the fields of allergens and pathogens. I have almost collected all the money I need for the CD. I have been diagnosed with some weird disease... And the list goes on. It's a wonderful life!

My eyes opened this morning and I decided to get out of bed. Really. I realized that it was my decision. I didn't "have to"! Getting out of bed and going to work is a decision. So I got up and did it, after only hitting the snooze button four times... (two fo the times it wasn't even ringing.) So I made the decision not to hit it again. It was thankful.

I got in my van and went to work. I drove past McDonalds and decided to not stop... not even for just a hash brown and juice. Another decision. I got to work and finished my morning assignments... more decisions.... I took a break and decided to pay my bills online and write in my blog... more decisions.

So this moment of monotonous rambling has been brought to you by Brad Irons and enabled by the Trinity. I would like to thank Jesus Christ, who, beyond the salvation of my spirit, soul and body, has blessed me with abilities and opportunities to make decisions for the betterment of myself, my family, my friends, my work, my society, and my planet so that I might have an abundant life.

Happy New Year! Gotta go ramble!

And we're off!

1 comment:

Rob said...

I decided to read your blog today and I decided I was glad you finally decided to blog again! Here's to more decisions like that!
