Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I'm here... or am I?

Ok, I'm back... or am I?

The phrase "I think. Therefore I am" really boils down to "I think I am."

From what I have read, Descartes, the man behind the comment was a brilliant philosopher with much to offer to the world.

But somewhere, somehow, he decided that the only thing he could be sure of was that "I am". And the only way he know that was true, was that he thought it up himself...

(Hang on! I'm going somewhere with this.... )

He thought life was just an illusion, a cosmic uncertainty of which he could only be certain of his own thoughts. So in the end, after a life of distinction, he is best known his famous phrase... a phrase that refutes itself. For if the illusion is so strong that he can't tell reality from fiction, then how can he trust his own thoughts?

(You still hanging on? We're rounding third base! Almost home now.)

Sometimes I live like life is an illusion. Sometimes I get caught in the feeling that it's too hard to trust others. What if they are going to deceive me, fail me, hurt me, hate me, and the list goes on. I laugh at Mr. Philosopher dude for coming up with such insane babbling and yet, after much thought, I realize that he really may have held up a mental mirror of my own insane thoughts.

We watch life from a distance. We don't touch! We don't feel. I sat in church the other day and realized that it was possible to walk through the doors, sit through a service, and walk right back out without ever touching another person emotionally, physically or spiritually. I know. I've done it.

("Slide! Slide man! Slide!" Sliding into home plate!)

So back to the real challenge of life, to engage. To shake off the illusion, take the pill and wake up to the harsh realities of love, pain, joy and sorrow. To live a life where love is equated with intimacy not just poetry. Engage! Stop dating so many things in my life and make some committments for life. Engage! To get in the boat and trust when the Master says, we're going to the other side. Engage! Sit next to people who may smell good or bad, but who live in the same bubble of fear of the illusion that I do. Walk up to them, and tap on the glass.

"Tap, tap, tap,?" Anybody home? I think there is, therefore there must be. Right?

(And he's SAFE!!!! - I think...)

1 comment:

Rob said...

Yea, you're back. I've missed your blogging. I guess you just take a while to write because you always have something worth while to say when you do (unlike those of us who blog about boring, everyday stuff). I feel like I get to know you better with each posting I read. I'm glad you're back.

Praying for you, bro.

Love ya,