Monday, September 12, 2005

Two flats...

One flat, easily fixed. Two flats leave you dumbfounded. You have one spare, two flats. Neither tire is fixable. So you're stuck.

Remember HALT? I see now that this is a very good thing to pay attention to. I understood it as I swerved. Didn't hit anyone, but I did find the curb. It was a nice high curb. But I prefered it to hitting people who felt they could survive a one on one with a car.

But I have to ask my self if I reacted slowly because I was tired. They came out of nowhere? Or did I just take a while to realize that they didn't see me coming? I guess I came out of nowhere.

And mentally nowhere is where I was. Listening to Bill O'Reilly, generally letting my mind flow to whatever and whenever. Not being an alert driver. Flat number one.

And there they were, walking, not being alert pedestrians. Flat number two.

Tragedy almost ensued.

Two wrongs led me to a right... I took a right turn to miss them and... BOOM!!! Hit the curb. Two flats! So what do I do? I went home. It was two flats. There was no other real answer for me
Is there a moral? Maybe. It goes like this...

We have dreams, and they survive a hit or two. But one day we look and our dream has two flats. We can't move it. We can't drive it. It is stationary. Frustration may try to set in. We may find ourselves walking home as people speed by us on the way to their dreams. It does no good to stay at the car and try to fix it because we can't. Not by ourselves. It's gonna take more than faith. It will take help from others. IF we are prideful, we will waste time wrestling the impossible. But if we give it up to God quickly, He can orchestrate the answer. Not give up our dreams. Give up our plans and solutions.

So I walk home. I sit here. I pray. And the phone rings. It is a friend calling to tell me some news. I immediately seize the day and ask for help. And lo and behold. I get it. I wouldn't have been here to get the call if I had been out there fighting my two flats. Instead, God let me come home, pray, and be available when the phone rang. Sometims it's not who you know, or what you know. Sometimes it's simply if you're home when opportunity knocks.

"Good things come to those that wait. Not to those who hesitate. So hurry up and wait upon the Lord." - Petra, "More Power To Ya"


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is a excellent blog. Keep it going.