Saturday, May 06, 2006

Faith Trip (Add Vent)

Ok, Hmmmmm....

I have heard others say it, to paraphrase, I'm just not admitting my pain. Basically it comes down to... why won't your admit you're really still in pain and stop telling people you've been healed...

on some weird faith trip and that's why I keep saying I'm healed. They think I'm hiding the hurt so I can appear super spiritual. Sorry, I don't play those games. One guy asked me, have you started feeling pain yet? As if he's just waiting for me to start hurting again. This is so amazing.

I keep wondering if this is what the blind man felt like when he was standing before the religious leaders. How did this happen? I don't know, but I know who did it and what happened!

Sorry to everyone who would like to believe that I'm just naming and claiming it or that I'm living in some fantasy world of denial. And that I'm hiding it from the world. You just have to live with the fact that God has done something miraculous in me. Do I still have lyme disease in my blood? Don't know. Probably. Am I still experiencing debilating pain that doesn't allow me to walk well, work well, or even play music well. Nope!!!! (Had to strum my guitar just for the fun of it there).

IF those pains should come back, I will know who to go to get to stand with me. They are the people who are standing with me now. This is absolutely amazing to me...


David said...

Standing we will, for both of you!

Dawn Irons, Ph.D, LPC-S said...
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