Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Drawing Near To Darkness - Os Hillman

I think Os Hillman is hiding in my house. Why? Because he always seems to be reading my mail. Each daily devotional seems to hit me where I live. This one more so than others. So rather than blog today, I think I'll just share with you the incredible writings of Mr. Hillman.

Drawing Near to Darkness by Os Hillman 

The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was. - Exodus 20:21

Like the nation of Israel, we are each called to the mountain of God, but few are willing to pass through the darkness to get there. God wanted to reveal His glory to the children of Israel, but they were afraid to enter into His presence. They only wanted to know about God, rather than know him personally like Moses did. This grieved the heart of God.

Why wouldn't the people of Israel risk entering the darkness if it meant being in the presence of God? What did the people fear? Perhaps they had fears like each of us. The fear of the unknown. The fear of what might happen. The fear that God might not like what He sees. Or, perhaps even the greatest fear: the fear of darkness itself and what lies behind that darkness.

Many of us have been satisfied to hear about God from God's messengers. But there is a greater calling for each of us-a calling to enter into His presence. Sometimes entering into His presence means we enter through an unexpected door-a door that appears to have nothing good behind it.

We do not need to fear entering the presence of God even if it means entering through a period of darkness. Above all else we must believe that God is a God of love. If He calls us into darkness in order to enter His presence, then that darkness will become an entry to new levels of relationship with a God who longs for fellowship with you and me.


I have really enjoyed receiving this daily email devotional called Prime Time With God. It encourages me to bring my relationship with God into my daily work. I thought you might find today’s message of interest. You can also signup to receive it each day by email at no charge.

Link To Read Today's Devotional--

God bless you!
Brad Irons

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