Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Art of Fanning

Main Entry: fan
Function: verb
Date: before 12th century

1 a
: to drive away the chaff of (grain) by means of a current of air b: to eliminate (as chaff) by winnowing
: to move or impel (air) with a fan
: to blow or breathe upon
4 a
: to direct a current of air upon with a fan b: to stir up to activity as if by fanning : stimulate
archaic : wave
slang : spank

Hehehhe. I had to laugh when I saw the slang definition (#6). To spank? Really? I cannot imagine my mom going, "go get me a stick so I can fan your behind". How would I have responded to that? Is there any doubt that she would have turned me back to dust if I were my normal smart alec self? She always reminded me that she brought me into this world and could take me out. She would have definitely blown me away. This is not
my main point though.

It's been cool having a song on the Indie charts and connecting with a lot of my friends through Facebook and Myspace. There's even a place where you can go and sign up as fans. Fans!!! But I've never really liked the term. Fan what? My ego? I always see Pharaoh sitting on his throne surrounded by women who have large feathered instruments, fanning him as he ponders his own importance. No thank you. I know tons of people who sing and play better than I do. And a quick trip to Nashville is a real fast way to see that there are many many talented people flipping Big Macs waiting for their big break.

But lately, I've warmed up to the word "fan" I've been looking at the definitions from my friend Daniel Webster! The first definition for the verb of the word... "1
a: to drive away the chaff of (grain) by means of a current of air." As singers and musicians, this is what we need. Not a group of "pedestal people" who bow at the throne of our talents. But a group of friends and family and peers who act as a continuous current of fresh air.

This air sweeps away the illusions caused by believing your own press releases. It blows away the leftover bits of our last failure and encourages us to keep walking. It sifts into the closed-door areas of our lives and reminds us of the cracks that let in the breeze. And it helps bring a fresh outlook to our lives when our songs and spirits start to become stale. We don't do what we do in a vacuum. We have fans. And that's an awesome thing.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support over the years. For all you have done and said and prayed. Thank you! And even when definition #6 had to be used, thank you for that too.

So this one's for the fans. You really blow me away!

1 comment:

Meagan Henning said...

Ok, it is time to update the blog! Geez it isn't like you work a full time job, work at a church, have a wife and kids to take care of. You should have plenty of time! :) Just kidding! Anyway... update your blog. I already read your "The Art of Fanning" like 100 times already! :) J/K