Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nice to hear...

Sometimes it's just nice to know people care.

In a funk from some things that happened last week, I posted "sad" as the way I was feeling on my myspace page. Then, I took an internet vacation to play with my iphone. No myspace for a while.

When I logged back in a few days later, I had been bombarded with messages from friends and family from all over the south (and one overseas) asking me if "everything's ok?", "what's wrong?", "are you feeling alright?", and a host of other questions. I even had a few phone messages. And I think someone told my mom.

That's amazing. It's like, wow, people care.

I do believe that. I may, at times, become the melancholy introspective artistic type. I rarely ever say woe is me... (BTW was was the name of King David's horse? - Let me know if you want the punchline.) But I do wrestle at times with feeling alone in the middle of a crowd. And God always seems to remind me somehow through kind words from friends.

So to all those who asked. I'm fine. Just a momentary struggle with my melancholic tendencies. And I know you care about me, but sometimes it is just nice to hear...

1 comment:

Rob said...

Cool. Just cool! I didn't know what to think of the beginning of the video, but now I'm gonna watch it again just to make me feel good!

Glad you are blogging again and glad you are doing OK.

Thank you for being my friend.